Monday, January 28, 2008


Natalia has started to smile, unmistakeably! She had smiled a lot before while sleeping and sometimes when awake, but we usually attributed it to gas. This smiling session yesterday lasted several minutes, enough time for us to fumble with the camera and take several pictures. It makes you forget all about the sleepless nights!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tummy Time

"Tummy time" is Natalia's time to lie on her tummy and show off what she can do. She generally has mixed feelings about it-she is generally somewhere between smiling with exhilaration and howling with frustration. She holds her head up from lying down very easily.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

One month old!

For Natalia's one month birthday, we dressed her up for a photo op. It seemed a little much at first, but it's hard not to be pleased with how cute the pictures turned out!
Natalia is getting more and more active with her head! She holds her head up more often than not. She also is getting increasingly active during "tummy time." She grabs her little toys and sometimes puts them in her mouth! More than anything, the biggest change we have seen in her is how much more she is absorbing of the outside world. She will often quietly observe people's faces and the room around her for longer than 15 minutes. She also really enjoys looking at the faces of any visitors who come to the house.

Visit from Grandpa and Grandma Jane

Natalia was lucky enough to receive a visit from Grandpa and Grandma Jane this past weekend (January 5th and 6th). Natalia had a great time checking them out and passing some celebratory gas.
On Sunday, Natalia got her Christmas gear on and experienced Christmas for a second time. It was probably equally bewildering as the first Christmas. She was wide-eyed for the whole event! She has become more and more attentive during these days. When guests come to visit, she will look them in the face for long stretches of time.

At the hospital....

December 9-10, 2008

Natalia found the services at hospital to be a bit overwhelming- wat too thorough. After being awake for four hours after the birth, which included this bath, a hot air drying, and a visit from Titi Stella and family, Baby Natalia was completely sacked out. She slept soundly through most of the night and continued to sleep quite a bit for the whole time we were at the hospital.

Natalia Miranda was fortunate to get visits from almost the whole family. It was joyful for us, and relaxing, knowing that we were in a hospital in case we screwed anything up.... Everyone had their own styles of holding the baby. For some, holding her was as comfortable as holding a loaf of bread or a pineapple. For others, she seemed more like a carton of eggs. Regardless of all the styles, she is a lucky baby to have so many loving admirers.

Natalia slept through almost everything! She didn't mind all the visiting; in fact, she didn't even notice. All she had on her agenda was sleeping and eating.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Baby Natalia is born!

On December 8, 2007 at 4:15, Natalia Miranda Andrus was born! After a little bit of poking and prodding, Natalia was wrapped up and handed over to Mom and Dad.

Mom and Dad were both thrilled! Dad was much more visibly emotional. Mom was more relieved that the 22-hour ordeal was finally over. After crying at first, Natalia was serene as she snuggled with Mom, Dad, and "Nana" (grandma). She stayed that way for about 4 hours!